Thursday, October 7, 2010

Post #2

               After discussing the missing links that can appear in one’s biography- I began to further understand the meaning at which one might write.  Following the works of other biographies it has interested me to see that some might not hold all the truths.  The “missing links” or “fissures” missing I feel have an underlying reason as to why they are incorrect or not posted.  After looking at some of the author’s works I can begin to understand why that can sometimes happen.  They might recall an event that might not have happened in that particular way, or as we get older we may lose the “detail”.  In bell hooks written biography she says this “the longer it took me to begin the process of writing autobiography, the father removed from those memories I was becoming.  Each year, a memory seemed less and less clear.  I wanted not to lose the vividness, the recall and felt an urgent need to begin the work and complete it.” The plot, characters, summary, and even purpose of the story can all change over time.  And it is important to understand this before you begin to read an autobiography.           
              To answer the question as to how someone might find promise or opportunity to one’s gapingly “holey” (not in a religious way) written autobiography, is that they might find hope, meaning, guidance, and support to their own problem.  Many people read autobiographies to understand that person, get their history, maybe they looked up to them, or maybe they just wanted to understand their own feelings. 


  1. This picture made me laugh out loud. In public. Thought you'd like to know that!

  2. haha glad to hear that! It made me laugh out loud as well!
